Handlebars {{> breadcrumbs}} {{!-- You can use the t function to get content translated to the current locale, es: {{t 'article_list'}} --}} <h1>{{t 'article_list'}}</h1> {{! one line comment }} {{#each articles}} {{~title}} <p>{{excerpt body size=120 ellipsis=true}}</p> {{#with author}} written by {{first_name}} {{last_name}} from category: {{../category.title}} {{#if @../last}}foobar!{{/if}} {{/with~}} {{#if promoted.latest}}Read this one! {{else}} This is ok! {{/if}} {{#if @last}}<hr>{{/if}} {{/each}} {{#form new_comment}} <input type="text" name="body"> {{/form}} x 1{{> breadcrumbs}}23{{!--4 You can use the t function to get5 content translated to the current locale, es:6 {{t 'article_list'}}7--}}89<h1>{{t 'article_list'}}</h1>1011{{! one line comment }}1213{{#each articles}}14 {{~title}}15 <p>{{excerpt body size=120 ellipsis=true}}</p>1617 {{#with author}}18 written by {{first_name}} {{last_name}}19 from category: {{../category.title}}20 {{#if @../last}}foobar!{{/if}}21 {{/with~}}2223 {{#if promoted.latest}}Read this one! {{else}} This is ok! {{/if}}2425 {{#if @last}}<hr>{{/if}}26{{/each}}2728{{#form new_comment}}29 <input type="text" name="body">30{{/form}}3132 Handlebars syntax highlighting for CodeMirror. MIME types defined: text/x-handlebars-template